The following are all of the color combinations possibly available per style
see individual style pages for actual availability).
The last number is the base color.
Any numbers to the left of the slashes are highlighted colors.
Single digit colors have no highlighting.
1B |
16/6 |
16/10 |
T/27 |
2 |
33/6 |
12 |
T/30 |
6/2 |
C/6 |
14/12 |
T/33 |
8/2 |
10/6/8 |
16/12 |
500 |
33/2 |
30/6/8 |
16/14/12 |
600 |
4 |
8 |
24/14/12 |
700 |
6/4 |
10/8 |
14 |
800 |
8/4 |
12/8 |
24/16 |
10/4 |
14/8 |
18 |
33/4 |
16/8 |
16/18 |
34 |
C/4 |
G/8 |
18/22 |
38 |
6 |
C/8 |
18/24 |
44 |
8/6 |
10 |
30 |
51 |
10/6 |
12/10 |
32 |
60 |
12/6 |
14/10 |
33 |
92 |
1B -Dark Black
2 - Dark Brown (sable)
4 - Medium Dark Brown (Yellow Base)
6 - Medium Brown (Red base)
8 - Medium Brown (Red & Blond base - Caramel color)
10 - Medium Light Brown (Green & blond tone - usually only highlights)
27/8 - Strawberry blond highlight on a medium brown base
27/30/8 - Strawberry blond & orange red highlight on a medium brown base
32/8 - Auburn highlight on a medium brown base
27/10 - Strawberry blond highlight on a dark blond base
27/12 - Strawberry blond highlight on a medium blond base
12 - Medium Light Brown (Red tone - usually highlights)
14 - Medium Light Blond (Blond tone - usually highlights)
16 - Platinum Blond
18 - Medium Ash Blond (ash - Green tone)
22 - Light Ash Blond (Light Ash Blond - mostly used for highlights)
24 - Golden Light Blond (Gold Light Blond highlights)
LT - Light blond highlight on dark blond base - less contrast
MT - Light blond highlight on dark blond base - more contrast
DT - Light blond highlight on dark blond base - most contrast
27 - Light reddish-orange tone red
30 - Medium Red (coppertone red)
32 - Light burgundy (more wine color)
33 - Dark burgundy - close to red & brown together
34 - Dark brown base (#4) with gray highlights
38 - Medium brown base (#6) with gray highlights
44 - 50% gray coverage
51 - 65% gray coverage
60 - Snow white
92 - 80% gray coverage